A Vision of Healing in the Future

Would it be reasonable for us to start building hospitals on energy spots? What for? For healing? Before answering those, we need to ask ourselves, are hospitals today really intended to heal? Do they really heal in hospitals? Or is that what is officially called healing really just a way to sell certain products of chemical and other alike industries. No, I’m not saying anything about recovering after operation, which was really necessary. Maybe. Or[…]

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Can Earth’s energy nourish human Qi?

  Some Qigong practitioners believe that Earth’s energy points can nourish human Qi and speed up human progress. If you have more energy, your capabilities and concentration on training, are automatically boosted. Consecutively you advance faster.   What is the purpose of Qigong? What is the purpose of Qigong anyway? Oh, yeah of course, working with energy. It is certain that these spots are beneficial for energy work. More harmony, stronger stream of energy, larger[…]

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A step toward relaxation and awareness or why comfortable clothes matter

  We wear clothes and footwear almost always. We could say that they are literally our “second skin”. Do we ever ask ourselves, how do we feel in this “skin”? When we feel comfortable, we feel ease A lot of people at least occasionally dream about the comfort that they would like to have, if they had more money. Comfortable apartment, comfortable bad, comfortable car… But at the same time they do not enjoy the[…]

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How to tune your body instrument

  Hello, enthusiastic explorers of life and Qigong. Today I would like to share with you how important is to tune your instrument, your body. Need or necessity Every musician knows that his instrument needs to be tuned. For example, pianists know that their instrument needs tuning, that’s not done only once, that it is a process that takes time and once a piano is tuned it needs to be played on. If you leave[…]

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How Qigong influences on our body, energy and mind

  In this blog you can find some general information regarding  Qigong practice (cloths, place, time, variety of styles…) and you can read about some of the  major influences that Qigong has on our body, energy and spirit. We practice Qigong in comfortable clothes. I like that I can practice Qigong in comfortable clothes, comfortable footwear or even better, barefoot. Why is this so important to me? When my body is free, is relaxed, my[…]

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Do high energy spots exist on Earth?

  Are there some certain spots on Earth, which are better for doing Qigong? Majority of people have heard about spots on Earth, even in near surrounding where the earth’s energy field is especially good for us humans. These spots or places we usually call energy spots. They are frequently found on energy lines, which draw and form earth’s energy grid. These lines are named »ley lines« in English. Chinese call them Dragon lines, and[…]

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The shine of Eight Pieces of Brocade

  Why “of Brocade”? People who come across for the first time with a set of Qigong exercises known as Eight Pieces of Brocade, in Chinese Ba Duan Jin, often ask why these exercises are “of brocade”. Brocade is a class of richly decorative shuttle-woven fabrics, often made in colored silk and with or without gold and silver threads. Therefore brocade shines beautifully. Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming in his book about Eight Pieces of Brocade describes[…]

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