A Vision of Healing in the Future

Would it be reasonable for us to start building hospitals on energy spots?

What for? For healing? Before answering those, we need to ask ourselves, are hospitals today really intended to heal? Do they really heal in hospitals? Or is that what is officially called healing really just a way to sell certain products of chemical and other alike industries. No, I’m not saying anything about recovering after operation, which was really necessary. Maybe. Or maybe it wasn’t. I’m talking about principle, that does not live anymore in minds of medical doctors, medical society and all tentacles connected in »medusa«.


Life is coming from inside

Consciousness about inherent health was always present and alive among people, who were taking care for public health and still is. There are many doctors who sense and know that something is not right.  Life and experiences show them that there is something more. Something deeper, something beyond.  And no,  I won’t talk about God. I am talking about energy. I am speaking about Qi. As we said before this is a blog about Qigong. Inner power, stamina or potency which expresses itself through our body vitality, through spirit and mind is actually level of Qi that flows through human. If there’s enough Qi flow and energy is balanced this person will be healthy.


The concept of future hospital

Suppose I was injured. I need my bone to be aligned, because it’s broken. Yes, I go to hospital. There I am given help. No, I do not take any pill. I go and stand, and before that sit, and before that lay on energy spot near the hospital. In gardens. Spots are roofed and during winter time they close them and warm the places, so they can be of use at any time.

Hospital’s buildings where patients rest, where the employees are, and all operational rooms etc., are not on energy spots.  Why? Because these energy spots might influence a concentration of personnel. Patients who are supposed to more or less rest, would probably sleep worse, or would have some other side effect because of constant strong stream of energy. Let me remind you of Napoleon Bonaparte who tried to sleep on, or actually inside, of the most known energy spot in the world. Inside the great pyramid of Giza: in the middle of the night he came out running and shouting because of dismay. It was a little due to his »beautiful mind and thoughts« and a little due to amplifying effect of energy spot. To say it again, it’s definitely not good to build hospitals on energetically strong spots.



Only when we are connected with wholeness and we sense oneness, inner health can become expressed. Connectedness with everything. It would be advised to patients and personnel to go to the energy spots at least once a day, take their shoes off and touch grassy ground at least with their bare feet. Atmosphere, healing, mood, collaboration, solving problems, visions of future would be happening spontaneously and soon harmony would become something obvious.


Health and harmony 

If you’re searching, you’ll find it. If you’re looking for health, you’ll find it. And if you’re looking for answer you’ll find it. Question is, is this what you are searching for really what you are saying you are looking for? Health. Health is deeply connected with harmony.

If you are occupied with relations in collective or hierarchy in institutions, you can’t be searching for harmony or health. If you’re dealing with red-tapism and all the nonsense as this commission for that thing and that report about this… You can’t be dealing with the searching for harmony and health. If you hardly find harmony inside of you, how can you help somebody else find it. Doctors will have to free themselves of this cage, by themselves. Hospitals in the future will definitely use such energy healing (not only patients, but also personnel) and I bet, that even today you could find some spot in surroundings of the existing hospitals that could be used for this purpose. Maybe it would have to be additionally, as is said in healer’s community, »activated« or amplified with certain erections such as monolithes, dolmens…

May the Qi be with You!



Photo: Pixabay

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