Basic purposes of Regulation of Breathing in Qigong

(Qigong Breathing – 2)   In a different Qigong schools the regulation of breathing was one of the most important areas of practice. Effective breathing is actually of primary importance for good health, longevity, emotional stability and for peaceful and clear mind. Breathing is related to the abundance of qi that we have and to the ability to lead and manipulate it. The cultivation of breathing is necessary if we want to achieve deeper meditative[…]

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First step to improve your breathing

 (Qigong Breathing – 1)   In Qigong breathing  is very important and broad topic. So let’s start at the beginning. What is breathing? Breathing is a process in which we inhale and exhale the air from the lungs. When we inhale lungs expand and pull into the body air which contains for us vitally important oxygen. When we exhale our lungs contract and we expel from our body waste product, carbon dioxide. The process of[…]

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Horse Stance / Ma Bu in Qigong

  “Master the Basics!” For me it is not unusual anymore that after many years of Qigong I’m returning again and again to the basics. I’m aware that each time I’m able to understand them in a new perspective which is different from the one that I had as a beginner or somewhere on my path to the present moment. And I always know that this is not the end. I hope that this blog[…]

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Wu Wei (Non-Doing)

  Path of least resistance In Taoism non-doing doesn’t mean, that you don’t cut trees. It means only that you cut where it is easiest to cut. Along the path of least resistance, you follow the way of nature. Following the path and doing the things in accordance with growth, does not mean that you do not cut firewood. It means that you cut it following structure, you follow openings of cracks and grains and[…]

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