Daily meditation matters

In this blog I’m going to discuss why I think that a short daily meditation can serve to any person who would like to find and sustain harmony in his life. Through meditation you learn to calm your mind and achieve greater clarity. It also helps you to reduce stress and integrate into your being the experiences that life brings you day after day. Once your mind can be still for some time, it is[…]

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Normal Abdominal Breathing in Qigong

(Qigong breathing – 4)   Breathing in Harmony with Nature Practitioners of Qigong and Nei Gong  are using  daoist breathing methods which strive to return a human to the breathing which is in harmony with Nature. First you have to relearn the breathing which you were using as a small child. This is so called normal abdominal breathing where you breathe predominantly with your thoracic diaphragm. This way of breathing is a foundation that you[…]

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Qigong Breathing and Beginners Excessive Work

(Qigong Breathing – 3)   Try to do less.   Tensions  start to arise during the process of learning to breathe When you start to consciously learn breathing what often happens is that during the practice you notice physical or/and mental tensions or different emotions arise. Some of these tensions were already present but you haven’t noticed them until you’ve started to pay conscious attention to the breathing and you become able to sense your[…]

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Basic purposes of Regulation of Breathing in Qigong

(Qigong Breathing – 2)   In a different Qigong schools the regulation of breathing was one of the most important areas of practice. Effective breathing is actually of primary importance for good health, longevity, emotional stability and for peaceful and clear mind. Breathing is related to the abundance of qi that we have and to the ability to lead and manipulate it. The cultivation of breathing is necessary if we want to achieve deeper meditative[…]

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First step to improve your breathing

 (Qigong Breathing – 1)   In Qigong breathing  is very important and broad topic. So let’s start at the beginning. What is breathing? Breathing is a process in which we inhale and exhale the air from the lungs. When we inhale lungs expand and pull into the body air which contains for us vitally important oxygen. When we exhale our lungs contract and we expel from our body waste product, carbon dioxide. The process of[…]

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Horse Stance / Ma Bu in Qigong

  “Master the Basics!” For me it is not unusual anymore that after many years of Qigong I’m returning again and again to the basics. I’m aware that each time I’m able to understand them in a new perspective which is different from the one that I had as a beginner or somewhere on my path to the present moment. And I always know that this is not the end. I hope that this blog[…]

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Qigong Exercise to Strengthen Feet Muscles, Ligaments and Tendons

  Strengthen your feet and the whole body will benefit!   In a previous blog Being aware of the soles of the feet I was talking about the role that our feet has in a correct body alignment and how this influences our physical health and our body’s energy system. The purpose of exercise presented in this blog is to connect with our feet which are, in Qigong, the basics to start building our energy[…]

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Tips to remember the sequence of Qigong exercises

Sometimes Qigong beginners come to the teacher after only few classes of Qigong saying: “Oh, this is too much. I can’t remember all exercises. And there are so many other things to be aware of.”  Nobody demands from beginner to learn everything at once. It is impossible. It is a long process in which practitioner develops various skills that at the starting point he doesn’t have yet. But it is not rare that people keep[…]

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Why daily Qigong routine?

  In our last video we were talking about how to start with daily Qigong routine. Somebody might ask: “But why should I do Qigong every day?” The best long term investment of our time Doing Qigong daily is the best long term investment of our time, with so high interests, that you can’t even imagine. You need to experience it. The words are empty and can’t describe it. It is the experience and feeling[…]

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How Qigong influences on our body, energy and mind

  In this blog you can find some general information regarding  Qigong practice (cloths, place, time, variety of styles…) and you can read about some of the  major influences that Qigong has on our body, energy and spirit. We practice Qigong in comfortable clothes. I like that I can practice Qigong in comfortable clothes, comfortable footwear or even better, barefoot. Why is this so important to me? When my body is free, is relaxed, my[…]

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