Our extraordinary physical body is able to perform innumerably movements and enable us to do all kinds of activities (jobs, manual work, arts, sports…). But what also happens is, that sometimes we get injured. Injuries can be caused by accidents, falls, hits, cuts, overwork… It happens that we can break our bones, sprain joint, strain or torn a muscles, tendons or fascia. Or we can simply experience pain because of micro-injuries as in the[…]
Read moreCategory: Joints
Joints and Energy Body
(Joints and Qigong – 3) In this post about joints I will discuss about the connection of joints with Five elements and how joints function as energy gates. If you want to read more about joint conditioning please read previous posts. Joints and Five elements You can find many excellent articles and books which explain and describe this topic in depth. Therefore I will only mention briefly the basic things concerning joints. […]
Read moreJoint conditioning in Qigong – Process and tips for practice
(Joints and Qigong – 2) In the previous post you can read about basic anatomical aspects regarding joints and find some suggestions how to prevent joint problems in general. Today I will discuss about the importance of well-conditioned joints in Qigong, about phases of this process and I will give you some tips for effective practice. It is always better to prevent than to cure. The information in this post is meant for[…]
Read moreJoint conditioning and Qigong – Introduction
(Joints and Qigong -1) Regulating the body is important Qigong practice is a process in which you are working simultaneously with all aspects of your Being (body, energy and consciousness). On this path you learn to regulate and constantly refine your body, mind, breathing, energy and spirit. This is a non-linear process in which the emphases of training changes in accordance with your progress and goals. Some would like to skip the part of […]
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