Yiquan #4: a historic background and theory

Read previous posts: Yiquan #1, Yiquan #2 and Yiquan #3 What would Qigong be like without the energy, Qi? It would be only a Gong. So, only a time and an effort which is the literal meaning of the word »Gong« in Chinese. In our context, it would mean only physical exercises, done without the purpose of cultivation of  the whole being including the energy aspect. We are dealing with an art Qigong is an[…]

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Yiquan #1: a historic background and theory

Yiquan (or Yichuan, I Chuan, I Quan) is a martial art, which derives from Xingyiquan and therefore its roots are seen in postures, mindset and purpose of training. It is internal martial art as well as internal meditative practice. Xingyiquan is translated as »Form-intention-fist« and when Xing is removed and only »intention fist« remains, you get Yiquan. Static practice This practice is very static, since the majority of practice is composed of static postures in[…]

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