Those students that are the most enthusiastic in the beginning, might in time turn to be the worst kind of students you have ever taught! Don’t get me wrong, though. Enthusiastic students are the dynamos of the classes, for example when the energy level in the group start dropping or your capacity, as a teacher, start being drained by life tasks you need to go through. While you are leading your students repeatedly on and[…]
Read moreTag: mindset
When you get ahead of yourself
When you get ahead of yourself you always make a mistake. Sometimes it can be corrected and sometimes it is just done, period. When you think of dramatic things that might have happened in your life but they didn’t and you think of coincidences that influenced you and lead you towards the person with whom you are spending most of the time, you might ask yourself was there something behind the curtains of the perceptual[…]
Read moreQigong and increased Sensitivity – 2: Body sensitivity
In the previous post Qigong and increased Sensitivity – 1 I was writing about the increased sensitivity related to a serious practice of Qigong and Neigong. This increased sensitivity is an integral part of the process of changes toward greater health and consciousness. I have mentioned some most common areas of our life where increased sensitivity might appear. In this post I will discuss some aspects of sensitivity that our body and mind might manifest[…]
Read moreChange is unpredictable
Just when you think you are ready to move to the next level, this new level shows, but not in a way you have anticipated, but in a completely different fashion. Does that mean you are not ready? You are not wise enough to continue on your Path, your life journey towards Tao? I don’t think so. Universe is full of paradoxes. Only because we expect it to be like something it doesn’t have[…]
Read moreHow long do you practice your Gong?
»How long do you practice your Gong?« That was a question that was echoing in my mind for quite some time. In my first years of teaching Qigong I have been really surprised by some of my students and their capability of absorbing the information and knowledge for which in their shoes I needed much more time than they did. Their reactions about and understanding of the knowledge surprised me. I literally felt very good[…]
Read moreYou are working with energy constantly
…or why is important to cultivate your awareness and use your knowledge about energy, Qi, even when you don’t practice Qigong. Everything is energy Taoists presume that each substance or phenomena in the universe is energy. On a micro level everything is made up of vibrations which have different vibrational frequencies. If everything in the universe is energy, Qi, we could say that actually you are working with energy all the time. If[…]
Read moreThe process toward Regulation without Regulation
What is a regulation? All Qigong practitioners are familiar with the five areas that should be regulated through their Qigong practice: physical body, breathing, mind, Qi and Shen (spirit). The word “regulate” in Qigong means that you constantly align, adjust, tune and harmonize something until your aim is achieved. These five regulations are not practiced one after another, linearly, but rather simultaneously with different emphasis. For example in the training of the beginners the[…]
Read moreCycles of the year and Tao of natural Flow
One of these days I have been having a tea with my fellow partner and my life mate Smiljana. It’s not that this happens just once in a while. We have this »tea ceremony« every single day and it’s nothing special about it. For the outside observer, though. What is special is that we do it every day at aproximately same time. After our Qigong routine, which is another daily thing that we do[…]
Read moreStriving for perfection and Qigong Practice
The change of my mindset regarding the concept of perfection was one of many transformations which happened since I’ve been practicing Qigong, Nei Gong, exploring Daoist philosophy and also other internal arts concerning mindset and consciousness. So I’m happy to share with you this post which is not perfect from many perspectives (my English, clarity, style…) but reflects me in this moment. I enjoy writing and being able to share my thoughts with my[…]
Read moreDoes Energy of Destruction exist?
What if in certain moment it would make me happy that I broke or destroyed something? Something that was broken, just made me happy? And it would be like something was just freed out of me? What do I do with that? Everything has consciousness It depends on what was destroyed, or what did you destroy. Was that thing that was destroyed some kind of a functionality or value, that we people gave to some[…]
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