Yiquan #5:  8 static postures

Read previous posts: A historic background and theory of Yiquan #1, Yiquan #2, Yiquan  #3, Yiquan #4 The Yiquan set that I will present in next posts is composed of 8 static postures. Stand in a normal stance which is modified and light version of horse stance, which is lower and wider. You are standing in the normal stance. Which means you are in a shoulder width stance approximately. Your knees are lightly bent and your[…]

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Yiquan #4: a historic background and theory

Read previous posts: Yiquan #1, Yiquan #2 and Yiquan #3 What would Qigong be like without the energy, Qi? It would be only a Gong. So, only a time and an effort which is the literal meaning of the word »Gong« in Chinese. In our context, it would mean only physical exercises, done without the purpose of cultivation of  the whole being including the energy aspect. We are dealing with an art Qigong is an[…]

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Yiquan #3: a historic background and theory

Read previous posts: Yiquan #1 and Yiquan #2 In the previous post we have touched the Yang aspect of the energy flow in Yiquan practice, today we will discuss the Yin aspect of this training. Yin and Yang and Qi In the previous post  I was describing the path of Qi going downwards, or how you, practitioner, are leading the Qi in downfall current. I also said that this current can be blocked and drained[…]

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Qigong and increased Mental and Vibrational Sensitivity -3

This is the last (third) post about  Qigong and increased sensitivity. Click here for Part 1 and Part 2. Thoughts and information By opening and refining your energy system you become also more conscious about how your physical  body reacts to different thoughts and information that you let into your life. By choice or unconsciously. Body actually reacts  to these vibrational impulses all the time but people are not aware of them if they are[…]

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Qigong and increased Sensitivity – 2: Body sensitivity

In the previous post Qigong and increased Sensitivity – 1 I was writing about the increased sensitivity related to a serious practice of Qigong and  Neigong. This increased sensitivity is an integral part of the process of changes toward greater health and consciousness. I have mentioned some most common areas of our life where increased sensitivity might appear. In this post I will discuss some aspects of sensitivity that our body and mind might manifest[…]

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Qigong and increased Sensitivity – 1

One of the things that people expect from a Qigong and Neigong practice, is to sense their Qi. But at the starting point they are often not aware that this capability might bring also a lot of other changes in their lives. These changes can be also the ones they didn’t expect and are sometimes somewhat unpleasant. However you should understand that these changes are necessary steps on the path toward greater awareness and health.[…]

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Earthing – connecting to the Earth’s energy

Earthing or grounding is not a new theme nowadays, at least not for Qigong practitioners, since the connection with the Earth for us is something obvious. Every practitioner of Qigong knows, even if only a beginner, that we are all made out of two energies. YinYang. They are inseparable, a couple. One represents heavenly Qi and the other earthly Qi. In human thus run both of these energies, earthly Yin and heavenly Yang. Every serious[…]

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Emotions and Five elements – Part 1

In previous blogs about Five elements Petar was already writing about the connection between Five elements and emotions.  In this and in the next blog I will discuss some general aspects regarding emotions from a Daoist (and partly TCM) point of view. I have added some of my thoughts and experiences that I hope you can use in your own exploration and practice. 🙂 I think that emotions in our society are generally misunderstood and[…]

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You are working with energy constantly

  …or why is important to cultivate your awareness and use your knowledge about energy, Qi, even when you don’t practice Qigong.   Everything is energy Taoists presume that each substance or phenomena in the universe is energy. On a micro level everything is made up of vibrations which have different vibrational frequencies. If everything in the universe is energy, Qi, we could say that actually you are working with energy all the time. If[…]

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Exchanging Energy with Nature in Qigong

  Qigong and moving energy As a Qigong practitioner you learn different ways how to move energy through your energy system, but you also learn how to exchange energy with the surrounding by leading  the energy in and out of your energy field. It is obvious that before you start to learn methods for moving Qi, you must first cultivate your physical body, your breathing and your mind, and learn how to maintain the smooth[…]

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