Qigong and detoxification

A moment for deeper understanding A majority of people start to practice Qigong simply because they want to improve their health or they want to find a way to relax. What beginners often don’t know is that after some time of practicing Qigong regularly every day you can experience the process of detoxification, in short detox. When they start to feel bad they are thinking that they are doing something wrong  or they start to[…]

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How to practice Qigong when you are injured

  Our extraordinary physical body is able to perform innumerably movements and enable us to do all kinds of activities (jobs, manual work, arts, sports…). But what also happens is, that sometimes we get injured. Injuries can be caused by accidents, falls, hits, cuts, overwork… It happens that we can break our bones, sprain joint, strain or torn a muscles, tendons or fascia. Or we can simply experience pain because of micro-injuries as in the[…]

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