When it suddenly starts aching

  Sudden morning pain It’s really not a nice feeling when you wake up in the morning with a terrible ache in your back, or hip, or knee, or neck… It’s a sudden feeling of discomfort that you thought will never happen since you are a devoted Qigong practitioner. You were completely well and stopped even thinking about health, except when you were thinking about helping and solving other’s issues. Where’s my focus What is[…]

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How to practice Qigong when you are injured

  Our extraordinary physical body is able to perform innumerably movements and enable us to do all kinds of activities (jobs, manual work, arts, sports…). But what also happens is, that sometimes we get injured. Injuries can be caused by accidents, falls, hits, cuts, overwork… It happens that we can break our bones, sprain joint, strain or torn a muscles, tendons or fascia. Or we can simply experience pain because of micro-injuries as in the[…]

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